Friday, January 18, 2013

Reach Your Resolution Day 15 + 16

We are going to work on our stabilization muscles again this week.

Day 15 - Weights

If you are a beginner or working on Endurance do each workout 12 times with light weights.
If you are working on Strength/Muscle Mass do 2 sets and 8 reps with moderate to heavy weights.
Below are the exercises, I would advise watching the videos that they are linked to for proper form and instruction.

This is a total body stabilization work out, it may be hard starting out but go slow and push through!
Believe in yourself because I know you can do it.

Day 16 - Cardio

You can do this on a bike, elliptical, or treadmill. Pavement is an option if weather permits.
Below is an interval routine, this is great for your heart rate, fat burning rate, and wonderful to get back into the motion of things.

3 minutes slow walking
3 minutes brisk walking
5 minutes speed walk/jog/run
1 minute brisk walk
5 minutes speed walk/jog/run
1 minutes brisk walk
5 minutes speed walk/jog/run
3+ minute slow walk

Total time 26+ minutes

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