Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reach Your Resolution Day 6

Day 6 - Weights

For beginners you can do 2 set of 10 reps
For intermediate you can do 3 sets of 6-8 reps
All of these exercises can be done with two legs to make it easier if you are not yet ready to try it with a single leg. Slow and steady wins the race in this case.

This is a circuit so you want to do these all back to back with no rest and then rest after you finish one round and then start again. A video is linked to each exercise.

- Do what you are comfortable with here. If you can do front only that's fine but try to do all three a couple times on each leg
- Make sure you aren't pushing your knees forward! This is very hard on your knees so watch the video and if you have a friend to help watch from the side and let you know how your form is that's great!
- Take at least 3-5 second at the bottom to stabilize yourself
*Rest 60 sec - Repeat*

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